Introduction to Natural Language Processing

Dozent: Dr. Kristina Yordanvo & Dr. Frank Krüger
1. Introduction   16
1.1 Evaluationsmetriken   9
1.2 Tasks of NLP   7
2. Sprache   15
3. Basic Text Processing   12
4. Information Retrieval   10
5. N-Grams   4
5.1 Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie   11
5.2 N-Gram-Modelle   10
6. Part-of-Speech-Tagging   7
6.1 Hidden-Markov-Modelle   10
7. Dimensionsreduktion   13
7.1 Probabilistic-Latent-Semantic-Analysis   5
8. Generative Modelle   3
9. Latent Dirichlet Allocation   8
10. Decision Trees   4
11. Naive Bayes   9
11.1 Nearest Neighbour   4
12. Text Clustering   6
12.1 Generative gemischte Modelle   4
14. Feature Extraction   11
15. Named Entity Recognition   8
16. Dependency Parsing   12
17. Relation Extraction   16
18. Word Meaning and Similarity   10
18.1. Thesaurus-basierte Methoden   5
18.2 Verteilte Algorithmen   8
19. Ontologien   6
19.1 Ontologieentwicklung   6
19.2 Ontology Learning   6